
Meeting the RTE Commitment: Engaging with Non-Formal Basic Education Across Pakistan Findings show that the NFBE sector provides a cost effective alternative to formal education by providing basic literacy and numeracy to children in the early grades for whom access to public schools may be limited... Dr. Faisal Bari, Dr. Rabea Malik Published - Aug 1, 2015
What Lahore Thinks: Political Attitudes in Lahore and the 2018 Elections This presentation is supplementary content for the 'Political Attitudes in Lahore and the 2018 Elections' Policy Brief. Dr. Ali Cheema, Asad Liaqat Published - Apr 1, 2017
Policy Briefs
The Honesty Puzzle: Political Attitudes in Lahore and the 2018 Election This Policy Note offers further clarifications in light of a number of generalisations that surfaced in the media after the publication of the Policy Brief 'Political Attitudes in Lahore and the 2018 Election.' Asad Liaqat, Dr. Ali Cheema Published - Apr 1, 2017
Policy Briefs
Political Attitudes in Lahore and the 2018 Elections This brief presents results from a political attitudes survey in three national assembly constituencies in Lahore, including the tightly contested NA 122, and its neighbors NA 121 and NA 124 where PML-N won by a... Dr. Ali Cheema, Asad Liaqat Published - Apr 1, 2017
Regional Competitveness Studies: Research Study on the Auto Sector The auto industry of Pakistan is at a crossroads and policy makers now have two options for catalyzing change in the status quo. Dr. Faisal Bari, Nadia Mukhtar, Dr. Syed Turab Hussain, Nazish Afraz, Umbreen Fatima, Usman Khan Published - Aug 4, 2016