Important Dates

  • April 27, 2023Call For Papers Issued
  • July 31, 2023Proposal Submission Deadline
  • October 10, 2023Notification of Acceptance
  • November 20, 2023Submission of Full Papers
  • December 18-20, 2023Conference Dates

The Call for Papers for Pathways to Development Conference 2024 is now open! Submission guidelines and details on how to apply can be found here:

Inequalities & Social Justice

The second Pathways to Development Conference will bring together empirical work in economics, sociology, politics and political economy, to find solutions to the grand challenges constraining sustainable growth in Pakistan and the region.  

Economic growth and poverty reduction can, and often do, exist with widening inequalities between and within countries. Inequalities matter because unequal societies have lower levels of human capital, less social cohesion and lower trust in the state. Inequalities threaten to destabilise societies, arrest development and create injustice and indignity for the poor and marginalised. Economic, social and political inequalities can systematically exclude marginalised groups from any progress experienced by wider society.

While economic growth rates are a mainstay in policy planning, much less attention is paid to how growth, development, participation, and progress is distributed across geographies and populations, or the ways in which burdens of poverty, violence and climate change are disproportionately borne by the few. Various forms of inequalities – gender, vast differences in wealth, identity-based discrimination along ethnic, religious and linguistic lines, by location and disabilities – intersect to exacerbate the effects of one on the other.

Keynote Speakers at Path2Dev 2023

Dr. Amaney A. Jamal

Dean, School of Public and International Affairs (SPIA)
Princeton University

Dr. Naila Kabeer

Professor of Gender and Development
London School of Economics and Political Science

Dr. Stefan Dercon

Professor of Economic Policy
Oxford University

Dr. Steven Wilkinson

Professor of Political Science and International Affairs 
Yale University

Conference Program

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