A Proposal for Land-Based Urban Property Tax Reform in Punjab and its Distributional Implications This paper proposes a reform of Punjab’s urban residential property tax, of which the key features are: taxing land area alone, removing differential treatment of rented- and owner-occupied properties and at least partially dismantling size-based... Dr. Anjum Nasim, Dr. Saqib Jafarey Published - Mar 25, 2024

Glass Walls: Experimental Evidence on Constraints faced by Women in Accessing Valuable Skilling Opportunities This paper uses experimental variation to precisely estimate the nature and cost of one common access constraint, and to compare the program benefits obtained by women who are able to overcome these barriers with those... Dr. Ali Cheema, Dr. Asim I. Khwaja, Dr. Farooq Naseer Published - Aug 24, 2023

The Empty Promise of Urbanisation: Women’s Political Participation in Pakistan We use the Election Commission of Pakistan’s novel gender-disaggregated constituency level data set for the 2018 elections to answer these questions in the context of Pakistan, a country that has seen rapid urbanisation and today... Dr. Ali Cheema, Dr. Sarah Khan, Asad Liaqat, Dr. Shandana Khan Mohmand Published - Feb 11, 2021

Cost of Electricity Generation in Pakistan-Comparison of Coal Plants with Oil and Natural Gas Based Plants This paper compares the cost per kWh of oil and gas-based power projects in Pakistan commissioned during 2010-14 with coal-based power projects approved under the CPEC agreement after updating all costs to June 2019. Dr. Anjum Nasim, Umbreen Fatima Published - Jul 1, 2020

Community Policing and Public Trust: Pakistan Pre-Analysis Plan Dr. Ali Cheema, Dr. Jacob N. Shapiro, Ahsan Zia Farooqui Published - Mar 9, 2020