Conference Program

Path2Dev Conference Program

Day One | Monday, Dec 18th, 2023
09:00 – 09:30Welcome Address
09:30 – 10:30
SS Auditorium
Keynote Address I:
The Political Economy of Economic Policy Advice: The Case of a Hard Country
Stefan Dercon (Professor of Economic Policy, University of Oxford)
11:00 – 13:00
SS Auditorium
Parallel Session I: Health and Immunization
Evaluation At Scale: Incentives for Immunization in Pakistan
Maryiam Haroon (University of Chicago)
Maternal Mental Health, Health Expectations and the Demand for Childhood Immunizations in Pakistan
Javed Younas (American University of Sharjah)
Optimizing Community-Health-Worker Resources to Scale Child Nutrition Programs in Rural Pakistan
Takashi Kurosaki (Hitotsubashi University)
Education and Inequities in Social Health Protection Programs: Evidence from Pakistan
Andreas Landmann (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg)
11:00 – 13:00
A3 Auditorium
Parallel Session II: Historical Trajectory in Economic
Hydro-Heritage for Healing? Examining the Gendered Experience of Water in Post Conflict Swat, Pakistan
Daanish Mustafa (King’s College)
Political (Mis)selection: The Role of Historical Institutions
Ryu Matsuura (Northwestern University)
Long Term Effect of Refugee Resettlement: Evidence from Pakistan Through Partition
Rinchan Ali Mirza (University of Kent)
Legacies of Inequality: The Canal Colonies of Punjab
Noaman Ali (Bath University) & Alexander Lee
(Rochester University)
13:00 – 14:00Lunch Break
14:00 – 15:30
SS Auditorium
Parallel Session III: Poverty Alleviation
What Happens When Cash Transfers Suddenly End?
Nasir Iqbal (PIDE Quaid-e-Azam University)
Experimental Evidence on the Role of Coaching Within Bundled Ultra-Poor Graduation Programmes
Rocco Zizzamia (University of Oxford)
Micro-Equity and Mutuality: Experimental Evidence on Credit with Performance-Contingent Repayment
Muhammad Meki (University of Oxford) & Simon Quinn
(Imperial College London)
14:00 – 15:30
A3 Auditorium
Parallel Session IV: Education and Development
Transmitting Rights
Shaheen Naseer (University of Oxford)
The Slippery Slopes of Foundational Learning- Stemming the Storm
Meenal Javed (Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi)
Educate the Girls: Long Run Effects of Secondary Schooling for Girls in Pakistan
Farah Said (LUMS)
15:30 – 16:00Tea Break
16:00 – 17:30
SS Auditorium
Panel Session I: India, Pakistan and Bangladesh: Where did their growth trajectories diverge?
Panel Convenors: Ijaz Nabi (CDPR) & Hadia Majid (LUMS)

Ishrat Husain (Former Governor State Bank of Pakistan)
Sadiq Ahmed (Policy Research Institute of Bangladesh)
Rakesh Mohan (Centre for Social and Economic Progress India)
Day Two | Tuesday, Dec 19th, 2023
SS Auditorium
Keynote Address II: War and Revolutionary Change
Steven Wilkinson (Professor of Political Science and International Affairs, Yale University)
10:30-11:00Tea Break
A3 Auditorium
Parallel Session V: Climate Change and Adaptation
How the Rural Poor Cope with a Climate Catastrophe: Evidence from Pakistan’s 2022 Floods
Amen Jalal (London School of Economics)
Unintended Consequences of Government Support: Impact of Pakistan’s Flood Relief Program on Adaptation Behavior
Muhammad Bin Khalid (National University of Singapore)
Beliefs, Signal Quality, and Information Sources: Experimental Evidence on Air Quality in Pakistan
Isra Imtiaz (Independent)
Vulnerable Markets: Assessing the Impact of Extreme Flooding on Fresh Produce Prices in Punjab, Pakistan
Sher Afghan Asad (LUMS)
SS Auditorium
Parallel Session VI: Gender and Labor Markets
Wage Subsidies to Promote Female Hiring: Evidence from Pakistan
Maurizio Bussolo (World Bank)
Barriers to Entry: Decomposing the Gender Gap in Job Search in Urban Pakistan
Zunia Saif Tirmazee (Lahore School of Economics)
Reform Impacts: Analyzing How Merit-Based Medical Admissions Have Affected Medical Outcomes in Pakistan
Fatima Aqeel (Colgate University)
Words Matter: Gender, Jobs and Applicant Behavior
Zahra Siddique (Bristol University)
13:00-14:00Lunch Break
SS Auditorium
Parallel Session VII: Measurement of Poverty and Inequality
Living Wage in Pakistan: Estimates, Adoption and Policy Challenges
Kabeer Dawani (Independent) & Asad Sayeed (CSSR)
Trend in Inter-Provincial Income Disparities in Pakistan
Hafiz Pasha (Beaconhouse National University)
Thirty Years of Income, Wealth and Wage Inequality in Pakistan
Abid Burki (LUMS)
A3 Auditorium
Panel Session II: Gender and Development from Education, Anthropological & Political Perspectives
Panel Convenor: Anjum Halai (Aga Khan University)

Stephen Lyon (Aga Khan University)
Tahira S. Khan (Aga Khan University)
Minahil Asim (Ottawa University)
15:30-16:00Tea Break
SS Auditorium
Panel Session III: Can Pakistan Grow with a Forty Percent Child Stunting Rate?
Panel Convenor: Kulsum Ahmed (Integrated Learning

Ghazala Mansuri (World Bank)
Nousheen Zaidi (CRC University of the Punjab)
Sanval Nasim (Colby College)
A3 Auditorium
Panel Session IV: Gender, Technology, and Women’s Empowerment
Panel Convenor: Hadia Majid (LUMS)

Zainab Latif (Tabadlab)
Zahra Rao (Tabadlab)
Maryam Mustafa (LUMS)

Discussants: Rabia Kamal (LUMS), Zainab Saeed (Karandaaz), Maria Umar (Women’s Digital League)
18:40 – 19:40
SS Auditorium
Keynote Address III: Public Opinion in Palestine before the Conflict
Amaney A. Jamal (Dean, School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University)
Day Three | Wednesday, Dec 20th, 2023
SS Auditorium
Keynote Address IV: Gender Justice and the Wellbeing Economy: Some Reflections on our Common Future
Naila Kabeer (Professor of Gender & Development, London School of Economics and Political Science)
10:30-11:00Tea Break
SS Auditorium
Parallel Session VIII: Elite Capture and Political Economy
Unpacking Rural-Urban Clientelist Networks
Mahvish Shami (London School of Economics)
Demanding the Last Mile: Foreign Aid and Political Participation in Pakistan
Syeda Shahbano Ijaz (Occidental College)
Spillovers in State Capacity Building: Evidence from the Digitization of Land Records in Pakistan
Shan Aman Rana (University of Virginia)
Constructing Electricity as Entitlement—Energy Politics in Lahore, Pakistan
Erum Haider (The College of Wooster)
A3 Auditorium
Parallel Session IX: Inequality, Policy and the Economy
The Effects of Taxes, Transfers, and Public Spending on Inequality: Evidence from Pakistan
Obeid Ur Rehman (Toronto Metropolitan University)
Firm Ownership Concentration and Income Inequality
Haris Khan (Information Technology University)
Obfuscated Liberalization: How Special Interest Groups Capture Trade Policy in Pakistan
Adeel Malik (University of Oxford)
13:00-14:00Lunch Break
A3 Auditorium
Parallel Session X: Early Career Session
Hundred Percent Legal, Hundred Percent Illegal: Building a Modern City for a Dying River, Ravi Riverfront Urban Development Project
Iman Khan (Cornell University)
Intra-household Bargaining Power and Expenditure Patterns – Evidence from Pakistan
Abdullah Mehta (Institute of Business Administration)
Religion and the Female ‘Other’: Representation of Gender in Classroom Discourses in Pakistan 
Laraib Niaz (Cambridge University)
Wellbeing Index and Value of Household Work and Expenditure Saving Market Work in GDP: A Gender Based Analysis in Pakistan
GulRukh Zahid (AERC University of Karachi)
SS Auditorium
Parallel Session XI: Judiciary and State Institutions
At the Margins of the State: Civic and Political Engagement in Difficult Settings
Mudabbir Ali (Lok Sujag) & Maheen Pracha (Human Rights Commission Pakistan)
The Unintended Consequences of Accountability: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Policing in Pakistan
Hamna Ahmad (Lahore School of Economics)
Judicial Capture
Sultan Mehmood (New Economic School)
16:00-16:30Closing Tea