Roundtable on Special Issue International Journal of Law in Context on Law in South Asia

Project Duration: to

18th October, 2023

For the 17th Annual South Asia Legal Studies Workshop held on October 18th 2023 at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, a hybrid roundtable was held on the special issue of the International Journal of Law in Context on Law in South Asia (see Volume 19 – Special Issue 3 – September 2023). IDEAS Research Fellow Dr. Maryam S. Khan discussed her recent journal article “The Lawyers’ Movement in Pakistan: How Legal Actors Mobilize in a Hybrid Regime” as part of the workshop.

The South Asian Legal Studies Annual Workshop is the only U.S. based annual workshop on South Asian legal issues. The first workshop was in 2007 and since then it has attracted scholars and practitioners from across North America, South Asia, and Europe representing multiple disciplines.

The workshop’s objective is to overcome a number of divides between scholars- particularly between researchers inside vs. outside of law schools; inside vs. outside of South Asian institutions; and working on colonial vs. post-colonial subjects. The workshop facilitates interaction among junior, and senior scholars; students and faculty; and academics and non-academics.

This audio recording is from Part I of the workshop which is a public webinar. It features a discussion between the authors, moderators and special editors on the importance of the special issue.

The International Journal of Law in Context provides a forum for interdisciplinary legal studies and offers intellectual space for ground-breaking critical research. It is not committed to any particular theory, ideology or methodology and invites papers from a variety of standpoints, ideologies, perspectives, and methods. It publishes contextual work about law and its relationship with other disciplines including but not limited to science, literature, humanities, philosophy, sociology, psychology, ethics, history and geography. The journal aims to explore and expand the boundaries of law and legal studies.