
Policy Briefs
Agricultural Income Taxation: Estimation of the Revenue Potential in Punjab This Policy Brief attempts to quantify the potential income tax revenue from crop farming and land rental in Punjab, the province which accounts for over 65 percent of the production of most major crops in... Dr. Anjum Nasim Published - Nov 1, 2012
Financing Education in Pakistan – Opportunities for Action (Country Case Study for the Oslo Summit on Education for Development) This paper reviews the state of education in Pakistan, highlighting in particular the wide inequalities in educational outcomes that persist. Dr. Rabea Malik, Dr. Pauline Rose Published - Jan 1, 2015
Journal Article
Returns to Schooling, Ability and Cognitive Skills in Pakistan Dr. Faisal Bari, Dr. Monazza Aslam Published - Jul 23, 2010
Journal Article
Education Debate in Pakistan: Barking up the Wrong Tree? The crux of our brief proposal is this: we should avoid falling into the trap of ideological positioning for or against public or private schools that is raging elsewhere in the world. Dr. Faisal Bari Published - Mar 1, 2010
Journal Article
The 2005 South Asian Earthquake: Natural Calamity or Failure of State? State Liability and Remedies for Victims of Defective Construction In Pakistan This article conducts a review and evaluation of the various potential legal remedies that might be available to the victims of the 2005 South Asian earthquake against public officials and the state. Dr. Maryam S. Khan, Dr. Osama Siddique Published - Dec 1, 2007