Safeguarding Pakistanis? Punjab’s Crime Problem, its Pathology and Priority for Action This presentation is supplementary content for the 'Safeguarding Pakistanis? Punjab's Crime Problem, its Pathology and Priority for Action' Report. Dr. Ali Cheema, Zulfiqar Hameed Governance and Political Economy Published - Nov 1, 2017

Post-Colonial Policing Enters the New Millennium: Social Change and Crime in Punjab Dr. Ali Cheema, Zulfiqar Hameed Governance and Political Economy Published - Nov 1, 2017

Serving and Protecting? Victimization, Citizen Engagement and Policing in Punjab This presentation is supplementary content for the 'Serving and Protecting? Victimization, Citizen Engagement and Policing in Punjab' Report. Dr. Ali Cheema, Zulfiqar Hameed Governance and Political Economy Published - Nov 1, 2017

Serving and Protecting? Victimization, Citizen Engagement and Policing in Lahore’s Police Divisions The aim is to enable Lahore Police and PSCA to calibrate their divisional strategies and interventions on the basis of evidence and to provide a baseline against which the future impact of PSCA interventions can... Dr. Ali Cheema, Zulfiqar Hameed, Dr. Farooq Naseer Governance and Political Economy Published - Nov 1, 2017

Safeguarding Pakistanis: Punjab’s Crime Problem, its Pathology and Priority for Action Findings strongly suggest that the Government of Punjab needs to develop a holistic policy framework for citizen safety that gives primacy to generating youth employment in large city districts in addition to strengthening deterrence. Dr. Ali Cheema, Dr. Farooq Naseer, Zulfiqar Hameed Governance and Political Economy Published - Nov 1, 2017