Cost of Electricity Generation in Pakistan-Comparison of Coal Plants with Oil and Natural Gas Based Plants This paper compares the cost per kWh of oil and gas-based power projects in Pakistan commissioned during 2010-14 with coal-based power projects approved under the CPEC agreement after updating all costs to June 2019. Dr. Anjum Nasim, Umbreen Fatima Fiscal Federalism and Public Finance Published - Jul 1, 2020

Community Policing and Public Trust: Pakistan Pre-Analysis Plan Dr. Ali Cheema, Dr. Jacob N. Shapiro, Ahsan Zia Farooqui Published - Mar 9, 2020

Cost of Electricity Generation in Pakistan-Comparison of Levelized Cost of Electricity of CPEC Coal Plants with Oil and Natural Gas Based Plants Commissioned in 2010-2014 Dr. Anjum Nasim, Umbreen Fatima Fiscal Federalism and Public Finance Published - Sep 1, 2019

Safeguarding Pakistanis? Punjab’s Crime Problem, its Pathology and Priority for Action This presentation is supplementary content for the 'Safeguarding Pakistanis? Punjab's Crime Problem, its Pathology and Priority for Action' Report. Dr. Ali Cheema, Zulfiqar Hameed Governance and Political Economy Published - Nov 1, 2017

Post-Colonial Policing Enters the New Millennium: Social Change and Crime in Punjab Dr. Ali Cheema, Zulfiqar Hameed Governance and Political Economy Published - Nov 1, 2017

Serving and Protecting? Victimization, Citizen Engagement and Policing in Punjab This presentation is supplementary content for the 'Serving and Protecting? Victimization, Citizen Engagement and Policing in Punjab' Report. Dr. Ali Cheema, Zulfiqar Hameed Governance and Political Economy Published - Nov 1, 2017

Serving and Protecting? Victimization, Citizen Engagement and Policing in Lahore’s Police Divisions The aim is to enable Lahore Police and PSCA to calibrate their divisional strategies and interventions on the basis of evidence and to provide a baseline against which the future impact of PSCA interventions can... Dr. Ali Cheema, Zulfiqar Hameed, Dr. Farooq Naseer Governance and Political Economy Published - Nov 1, 2017

Punjab Police City Division: Strategic Planning Document for Crime Control The purpose of this strategic planning document is to provide evidence on the level, nature and distribution of crime in Lahore Police’s City Division. Dr. Ali Cheema, Dr. Farooq Naseer, Zulfiqar Hameed Governance and Political Economy Published - Nov 1, 2017

Victimization, Citizen Engagement and Policing in Lahore This report compares the victimization rate in Lahore with rates in other global cities for which similar data is available. Dr. Ali Cheema, Dr. Farooq Naseer, Zulfiqar Hameed Governance and Political Economy Published - Nov 1, 2017

Safeguarding Pakistanis: Punjab’s Crime Problem, its Pathology and Priority for Action Findings strongly suggest that the Government of Punjab needs to develop a holistic policy framework for citizen safety that gives primacy to generating youth employment in large city districts in addition to strengthening deterrence. Dr. Ali Cheema, Dr. Farooq Naseer, Zulfiqar Hameed Governance and Political Economy Published - Nov 1, 2017

Regional Competitveness Studies: Research Study on the Auto Sector The auto industry of Pakistan is at a crossroads and policy makers now have two options for catalyzing change in the status quo. Dr. Faisal Bari, Nadia Mukhtar, Dr. Syed Turab Hussain, Nazish Afraz, Umbreen Fatima, Usman Khan Fiscal Federalism and Public Finance Published - Aug 4, 2016