Canvassing the Gatekeepers: A Field Experiment to Increase Women Voters’ Turnout in Pakistan How can we close persistent gender gaps in political participation? Households where both men and women are canvassed see the largest increases in women’s turnout and additional increases in political discussion and men’s practical support... Dr. Ali Cheema, Dr. Sarah Khan, Asad Liaqat, Dr. Shandana Khan Mohmand Published - May 18, 2022

Women’s Political Participation in a Pakistani Metropolis: Navigating Gendered Household and Political Spaces Why does a gender gap in political participation exist in a big city context? Dr. Ali Cheema, Dr. Shandana Khan Mohmand, Asad Liaqat, Dr. Sarah Khan, Fatiq Nadeem Governance and Political Economy Published - Apr 1, 2019