
Working Papers
Agricultural Taxation in Punjab: The Missing Billions A key objective of this paper is to estimate the revenue potential from different modes of agricultural land and income taxation in Punjab, and to allow for a more informed debate and discussion on the... Dr. Anjum Nasim, Hanid Mukhtar Fiscal Federalism and Public Finance Published - Feb 1, 2016
Working Papers
Agricultural Income Taxation Estimation of the Revenue Potential in Punjab This paper attempts to quantify the potential tax revenue from crop farming in the province of Punjab, which accounts for over 65% of the production of most major crops in Pakistan. Dr. Anjum Nasim Fiscal Federalism and Public Finance Published - Jul 1, 2013
Policy Briefs
Agricultural Income Taxation: Estimation of the Revenue Potential in Punjab This Policy Brief attempts to quantify the potential income tax revenue from crop farming and land rental in Punjab, the province which accounts for over 65 percent of the production of most major crops in... Dr. Anjum Nasim Fiscal Federalism and Public Finance Published - Nov 1, 2012