Mohammad Malick

Lead Survey Wing

M.A. Economics: New York University (NYU) BSc Economics & Finance: Lahore School of Economics (LSE)

Mohammad Malik currently heads the survey wing at IDEAS. After completing his Masters in Economics from NYU, Malik joined IDEAS in 2015 and has been part of various research projects in the human development and governance cluster from 2015 to 2017. In 2017, Malik and his colleague Ahsan Tariq established an in-house survey wing at IDEAS which pioneered the collection of real time electronic data through tablets, and built institutional capacity to undertake all primary data collection for  research projects at IDEAS. Malik also co-teaches an undergraduate course at LUMS that trains students on primary data collection techniques., and requires them to conduct field activities for their research projects. This novel course offering titled “Putting Social Science to the Test: Mixed Methods Approaches to Lahore’s Developmental Challenges” is an applied methods course that was designed by an interdisciplinary team of faculty across the Economics, Anthropology and Education departments at LUMS.